How to build buildings

From Bergsbruk
Revision as of 12:47, 20 August 2021 by Execut (talk | contribs)
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Get a plan

Get a plan
  1. Go to the Vending machine
  2. Buy a Building plan to build structures
  3. Buy a Mallet to Upgrade/Repair or destroy structures
  4. Choose Resources category
  5. Buy the needed resources for your project (Open the buildingplan to see what you need)

Start building

build menu
  1. Put the building plan in your active slot
  2. Hold right click to open the menu
  3. Select the foundation to build on
  4. Make sure you have the required resources
  5. Buy the required resources if you havent got enough
  6. Move the structure untill it turns green
  7. Shift + Mousewheel allows you to move it up and down
  8. Left mouse click to build


  1. Aim at the structure you want to edit
  2. Have the mallet selected
  3. Hold right click to open menu
  4. Mouse over upgrade or destroy
  5. Press Left mouse to upgrade or destroy
  6. If you want to repair hit the structure with the mallet

Tips n Tricks

To continue the roof you need support walls and a cealing
Then destroy the walls and leave the cealing