Fixes for Common issues

From Bergsbruk
Revision as of 11:07, 19 August 2021 by Joel (talk | contribs) (Small wording tweaks and added the current mp problem)
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  1. If there is something super wierd, test it on a new save, the last update might have broken the save file or its not compatible anymore
  2. Is the issue related to something you set/edited but forgot about? like if the hud is missing and its just that the Hide HUD setting is active?
  3. If it crashes, make sure your on the last avaible update, check the game version (it says the version in the main menu) against the last changelog
  4. Verify your game files, something might have gone wrong when updating it
  5. Check Discord for known issues, there might be something already known or
  6. let us know of the issue so we can fix it! The more info the better, pictures, machine, game version and a description is super helpful!

Multiplayer Issues

  1. If you cant find the session, make sure your have entered the HOST's password and it is the right Password, note that it is CAPITAL and spac e sensitive.
  2. Make sure you both have Started the game trough Steam since its steam thats handeling the connection
  3. If it crashes, make sure everyone is on the same game version (it says the version in the main menu)
  4. Check Discord for known issues, there might be something already known
  5. Verify your game files, something might have gone wrong in updating it
  6. There is currently a problem thats crashing the multiplayer games, the crash occurs when a player is digging/modifying the ground when a player joins. A simple fix for now is to tell your friend(s) that you are joining and not to modify the terrain (with terrain modifying we are referring to digging, dumping, pushing of the material)


If nothing here helps you theres always help to get on the Discord server

Heres a link to our Discord server: